HTML Basics

  • HTML is based on beginning and closing tags <tagname>content</tagname>. Note the “/” on the ending or closing tag of the pair
  • Paragraph is <p></p>
  • Link is <a href="">Visit W3Schools HTML Page</a>
  • Image is <img alt="describe image" src="link to image" width="100" height="200">
  • Bold text is <strong>Bolded Text</strong>
  • Italics are- <i>Italic Text</i>
  • Button is <button>some button text</button>

Javascript Data Types

  • Stirng Data: Strings are used to store text. Various functions are available for string manipulation.
  • Number Data Type: Numbers are used to store numerical values. Operations and formatting that can be performed.
  • Array Data Type: Arrays are lists used to store multiple values. Important points & functions.
  • Object Data Type: Objects store data as key-value pairs. Points to conside.

## Using Javascript with HTML DOM

  • Workspace Update: Always run git pull to stay updated.
  • Referencing HTML Elements: Use document.getElementById(“idTag”) to reference elements. The .innerHTML attribute allows access and modification of the content within tags.
  • Element Creation & Insertion: document.createElement(type) creates elements. .appendChild(element) adds elements into the HTML structure.
  • Utilizing Functions: Functions are defined to execute specific tasks. They can take parameters and return values. Events, like button clicks, can trigger these functions.

Basics of Javascript

  • Embedding JavaScript: JavaScript can be embedded into markdown or Jupyter cells using tags. In Jupyter, %%html magic command allows HTML and JavaScript embedding.
  • Console Logging: console.log is used for printing messages to the console. Access the console in different browsers through their respective developer tools (in VSCode, use Help-Toggle Developer Tools).
  • Data Storage & Types: Learn data abstraction, with JavaScript offering basic data types like string, number, and boolean. Declare variables using var variableName = value;.
  • Data Access & Manipulation: Access and manipulate stored data by calling variable names. For strings, use operators like + for concatenation and == for comparison.
  • Number Operations: Basic arithmetic operations and comparisons are available. Use == for value comparison, and === for type and value comparison.
  • Conditional Statements: if-else statements allow conditional execution of code blocks. Combine with operators for dynamic comparisons and responses.

Javascript Errors

  • Segment 1: Alphabet List: Intended Behavior: Create a list of characters from the string contained in the variable alphabet.
  • What I Changed: The for loop’s condition should be i < alphabet.length to iterate over each character in alphabet. Instead of pushing i (which is a number), push alphabet[i] to add each character to alphabetList.
  • Segment 2: Numbered Alphabet: Intended Behavior: Print the number and corresponding character in alphabet based on letterNumber.
  • What I Changed: Adjusted the loop’s condition and corrected the console.log statement.
  • Segment 3: Odd Numbers: Intended Behavior: Print all odd numbers below 10.
  • What I Changed: Adjust the initialization and incrementation of i to produce odd numbers.
  • Challenge Segment: Cost Calculator
  • Goal: Error-proof the code and implement a user input test.
  • What to Do: Develop tests for user inputs and expected outputs. Gradually implement features to pass these tests. Iterate until the program functions as expected.