Group 1 Saathvik Gampa, Cayden Shi, Sri Vaidya S, Ryan Liu






HOOK (3.6-4): Points: 4 Reason: interesting. interactive with audience

KNOWLEDGE (3.6-4): Points: 3.9 Reason: good explanations, not entirely void of errors, still a couple fixes

VALUE (0.6-1.0): Points: 0.9 Reason: could be more customized, visually appealing (frontend)

WOW FACTOR: Comments: huge variety of recipes and could clearly see hard work was put into this project.

Group 2 Imaad Muzaffer, Tanay Shah, Anika Pillai, Anika Bhatnagar, Ananya Asudani

hook: 4 was intetesting knowledge: 3.6, knew the topic value:0.8useful for buying stocks wow factor: looked very nice

Groups 3 Aditya Ramesh, Sai Tailsetty, Timo Al-Faraje, Sri Tanav Kambhampati, Aditya Desai

HOOK 3.6-4 Points: 3.8 Reason: short but compelling hook

KNOWLEDGE 3.6-4 Points: 3.6 Reason: few members did not know their parts and were not able to answer questions when asked.

VALUE 0.6-1.0 Points: 0.8 Reason: visually appealing in some areas, but some areas were a bit hard to see and look at.

The WOW Factor Comments: renting car option, images (very skilled and intricate items)