jupyter notebook or web page that shows signup and login, focus on login

  • Show HTML and JavaScript to support Login/Signup in VSCode
    • Show HTML that support Login/Signup alt text
    • Show Style that supports Login/Signup formatting alt text
    • Show JavaScript code that performs Fetch alt text
  • In Browser/Jupyter demo
    • Demo Login success
    • Demo Login failure alt text

jupyter notebook or web page that shows redirect or 403 error as result of signup and login page, focus on redirect to data/table display or failure

  • Show HTML and JavaScript to support Login/Signup failure VSCode
    • Show JavaScript that performs Fetch alt text
    • Show code that redirects to page on success alt text
    • Show code that shows implementation of roles alt text
    • Show code that captures error handling on 403 alt text
  • In Browser/Jupyter demo …
    • Demo Login success redirecting to table/data page
    • Show in split screen, login success with cookie on redirected page alt text
    • Demo Login success to a page that requires advanced role
    • Demo Login failure related in insufficient role

jupyter notebook that shows CRUD operation on page that requires authentication, or this can include signup without authentication

  • Show in VSCode HTML and JavaScript to support Post, Put or Delete method
    • Show JavaScript that performs Fetch
      • Post alt text
      • Put alt text
      • Delete alt text
    • Show JavaScript code that handles Response and formats data
      • Post alt text
      • Put alt text
      • Delete alt text
    • Show code that supports HTML, HTML generation, and Style
      • Post alt text
      • Put alt text
      • Delete alt text
  • In Browser/Jupyter demo …
    • Demo Fetch Action for Create/Post
    • Demo Fetch Action for Update/Put
    • Demo Fetch Action for Delete
  • In SQLite demo …
    • Demo Data Before each Fetch Action
      • Post alt text
      • Put alt text
      • Delete alt text
    • Demo Data After each Fetch Action
      • Post alt text
      • Put alt text
      • Delete alt text