- cd: change directory
- ls: lists attributes of files and directories
- mkdir: make a new directory
- git clone: downloads an existing Git repository to your local computer
- README.md: contains instructions and background information about the project
- index.md: source file for the home page of the project
- _notebooks: contains Jupyter Notebook (.ipynb) files
- _posts: contains Markdown (.md) files that will be part of the website
- _data: the standard location for storing data files that support the _posts or _notebooks directories
- images: standard location for storing image files (JPEG, PNG, etc.) that support the _posts or _notebooks directories
- _config.yml: standard location for storing image files (JPEG, PNG, etc.) that support the _posts or _notebooks directories
- .gitignore: specifies elements to be excluded from version control. Files are excluded when they are derived from the original source and not considered part of the project’s source code
- make: runs the local server
- make clean: stops the local server and cleans the files
- make stop: stops local server
- make convert: onverts Jupyter Notebook files, run this if .ipynb files are not updating on the server
- bundle install: command installs the dependencies in your Gemfile
- brew: installs the stuff you need that Apple didn’t
- find . -name “{name}”: searches folder for file recursively
Terms I learned • 3 min read
All of the terms I have learned so far in AP CSP Course.