-Review. Teacher posts for Linux Shell and Bash, Python IO, Python Tricks!, JS Output, JS Output w/API, JS Input.

-Option 1. Add to the lessons and making code cells and hacks for better breakdown and understanding
-Option 2. Combine all the concepts/requirements into something unique and you feel is awesome.

-Make a plan on what you and your Pair plan to do, this must exist by Monday night. You should have proof in live review of a draft in GitHub Issues history.
-Ask Teacher questions and interact with them on Slack or live by end of Mon, Tue…. particularly interact with Teacher when you have posted a draft of your plan. This would be considered Collaboration. Try to get feedback from me on Plan.
-Results must have Linux and interaction in VSCode
-Results must of Python and interaction in VSCode
-Results must have Web interaction in JavaScript
-Bring these into GitHub pages repo as Hacks or Tangibles on you Time Box page.
-Review code with ChatGPT, perhaps ask “Can you provide a review of this code?” Then paste code. Curate response into page(s).
-Plan your Pair Showcase, know exactly what you will present. Try to do it within 3 minutes.
-Build a review ticket in Time Box page to accelerate discussion.
-Be ready for Live review on Wed through Friday