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Unit 7 Hacks


Create an ArrayList of Strings with the following elements: “Apple”, “Banana”, “Cherry”, “Date”, “Elderberry”. Complete the following tasks using the ArrayList methods you’ve learned:

  • Task 1: Print the size of the ArrayList.
  • Task 2: Add a new element “Fig” to the end of the list.
  • Task 3: Insert “Grape” at index 2.
  • Task 4: Replace the element at index 4 with “Guava”.
  • Task 5: Remove the element at index 1.
  • Task 6: Retrieve and print the element at index 3.

At the end of each task, print the current state of the ArrayList to verify the result.

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class PopcornHacks {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Initialize the ArrayList with elements
        ArrayList<String> fruits = new ArrayList<>();

        // Task 1: Print the size of the ArrayList
        System.out.println("Task 1: Size of the ArrayList: " + fruits.size());

        // Task 2: Add "Fig" to the end of the list
        System.out.println("Task 2: After adding Fig: " + fruits);

        // Task 3: Insert "Grape" at index 2
        fruits.add(2, "Grape");
        System.out.println("Task 3: After inserting Grape at index 2: " + fruits);

        // Task 4: Replace the element at index 4 with "Guava"
        fruits.set(4, "Guava");
        System.out.println("Task 4: After replacing element at index 4 with Guava: " + fruits);

        // Task 5: Remove the element at index 1
        System.out.println("Task 5: After removing element at index 1: " + fruits);

        // Task 6: Retrieve and print the element at index 3
        String element = fruits.get(3);
        System.out.println("Task 6: Element at index 3: " + element);
Task 1: Size of the ArrayList: 5
Task 2: After adding Fig: [Apple, Banana, Cherry, Date, Elderberry, Fig]
Task 3: After inserting Grape at index 2: [Apple, Banana, Grape, Cherry, Date, Elderberry, Fig]
Task 4: After replacing element at index 4 with Guava: [Apple, Banana, Grape, Cherry, Guava, Elderberry, Fig]
Task 5: After removing element at index 1: [Apple, Grape, Cherry, Guava, Elderberry, Fig]
Task 6: Element at index 3: Guava

Finish the code below so that it uses the findSum() method and it finds the sum of the numbers.

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class ArrayListHacks {
    // Method to find the sum of the ArrayList elements
    private int findSum(ArrayList<Integer> values) {
        int sum = 0;
        for (int value : values) {
            sum += value;
        return sum;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Initialize ArrayList with numbers
        ArrayList<Integer> nums = new ArrayList<>();

        // Create an instance of ArrayListHacks and find the sum
        ArrayListHacks hacks = new ArrayListHacks();
        int sum = hacks.findSum(nums);

        // Print the sum
        System.out.println("Sum of the numbers: " + sum);

Sum of the numbers: 19

Problem: Sort the Ducks!

You have a list of ducks, and each duck has a name and weight. Your task is to sort these ducks by weight in ascending order.

Choose either Selection Sort or Insertion Sort to do the sorting.


Given this list:

  • Duck A (4.5 kg)
  • Duck B (2.1 kg)
  • Duck C (5.0 kg)
  • Duck D (1.9 kg)

After sorting, the output should be:

  • Duck D (1.9 kg)
  • Duck B (2.1 kg)
  • Duck A (4.5 kg)
  • Duck C (5.0 kg)

You can use this class for the ducks:

import java.util.ArrayList;

class DebugDuck implements Comparable<DebugDuck> {
    String name;
    double weight;

    // Constructor to initialize the duck's name and weight
    public DebugDuck(String name, double weight) { = name;
        this.weight = weight;

    // Compare ducks based on their weight
    public int compareTo(DebugDuck other) {
        return, other.weight);

    // String representation for printing
    public String toString() {
        return name + " (" + weight + " kg)";

public class DuckSorter {
    // Selection Sort implementation
    public static void selectionSort(ArrayList<DebugDuck> ducks) {
        int n = ducks.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) {
            // Find the minimum element in the unsorted part
            int minIndex = i;
            for (int j = i + 1; j < n; j++) {
                if (ducks.get(j).compareTo(ducks.get(minIndex)) < 0) {
                    minIndex = j;
            // Swap the found minimum element with the first unsorted element
            DebugDuck temp = ducks.get(i);
            ducks.set(i, ducks.get(minIndex));
            ducks.set(minIndex, temp);

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create an ArrayList of ducks
        ArrayList<DebugDuck> ducks = new ArrayList<>();
        ducks.add(new DebugDuck("Duck A", 4.5));
        ducks.add(new DebugDuck("Duck B", 2.1));
        ducks.add(new DebugDuck("Duck C", 5.0));
        ducks.add(new DebugDuck("Duck D", 1.9));

        // Print the list before sorting
        System.out.println("Before sorting:");
        for (DebugDuck duck : ducks) {

        // Sort the ducks by weight

        // Print the list after sorting
        System.out.println("\nAfter sorting:");
        for (DebugDuck duck : ducks) {

Before sorting:
Duck A (4.5 kg)
Duck B (2.1 kg)
Duck C (5.0 kg)
Duck D (1.9 kg)

After sorting:
Duck D (1.9 kg)
Duck B (2.1 kg)
Duck A (4.5 kg)
Duck C (5.0 kg)

Mini Hack:

What can be used in place of the blank to ensure the users data is cleared?

ArrayList<String> userData = new ArrayList<>();
userData.add("John Doe");

// Once you're done using the data
userData.clear();  // Removes all entries from the list
userData = null;   // Removes the reference to the ArrayList

ArrayList Coding Activity


Students will create, manipulate, and sort an ArrayList of integers.

Activity Outline:

1 Create an ArrayList:

  • Task: Create an ArrayList of integers and add 5 elements of your choice.
  • Hint: Use the ArrayList class and the .add() method to add elements.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;

ArrayList<Integer> numbers = new ArrayList<>();
System.out.println("Initial ArrayList: " + numbers);
Initial ArrayList: [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]

2 Modify an Element:

  • Task: Change the second element (index 1) of the ArrayList to a new value (e.g., 100).
  • Hint: The .set() method allows you to update an element at a specific index.
// 2. Modify the second element (index 1) to a new value (e.g., 100)
numbers.set(1, 100);
System.out.println("After modifying the second element: " + numbers);
After modifying the second element: [10, 100, 30, 40, 50]

3 Remove an Element:

  • Task: Remove the third element (index 2) from the ArrayList.
  • Hint: Use the .remove() method to delete an element by its index.
// 3. Remove the third element (index 2)
System.out.println("After removing the third element: " + numbers);
After removing the third element: [10, 100, 40, 50]

4 Search for an Element:

  • Task: Check if a specific number (e.g., 30) is in the ArrayList and print a message based on whether it is found or not.
  • Hint: The .contains() method can be used to check for the presence of an element.
// 4. Search for an element (e.g., 30) in the ArrayList
if (numbers.contains(30)) {
    System.out.println("30 is in the ArrayList.");
} else {
    System.out.println("30 is not in the ArrayList.");
30 is not in the ArrayList.

5 Loop Through the ArrayList:

  • Task: Use a for loop to print each element of the ArrayList.
  • Hint: You can use a traditional for loop or an enhanced for loop (for-each) to iterate through the elements.
 // 5. Loop through the ArrayList and print each element
 System.out.println("Elements in the ArrayList:");
 for (int num : numbers) {
Elements in the ArrayList:

6 Sort the ArrayList:

  • Task: Sort the ArrayList in ascending order.
  • Hint: Use Collections.sort() to sort the ArrayList.
// 6. Sort the ArrayList in ascending order

7 Print the Sorted ArrayList:

  • Task: Print the sorted ArrayList to see the updated order of the elements.
  • Hint: Use System.out.println() to print the sorted list.
// 7. Print the sorted ArrayList
System.out.println("Sorted ArrayList: " + numbers);
Sorted ArrayList: [10, 40, 50, 100]