N@tM is big objective and is to be used for Review.
M: Be sure you are signed up ^. Make realistic plan today on what you will show during Review. Make sure you have plan in Demo or Issue to capture feedback at N@tM.
Tu-Th: Work days. Be sure to checkin with Person you are working for!!!
F: Finish Objectives https://nighthawkcoders.github.io/portfolio_2025/csa/sprint3/objectives
N@tM Feedback / Requirements
Present at table 15-20 minutes
Show Team Project - obtain 3 useful comments from CSA and 2 outside of CSA
Show Individual Blog - obtain useful comments
Individual Web Site
Visit other CompSci presetations 15-20 minutes - comment on 3 others
Visit at least one exhibit/performance outside of CompSci - capture on end of year issues and relevancy to something you are working on or planning to work on.