Mortensen comment on P2. Lessons have been good, but most have varied greatly from teacher provided code (specifically User Database and JWT) and the request to go over the code. Teams will need to determine if they follow student code or teacher code. Week 18 has teacher code, student code is in Week 19 here.

++ Original objective of User Database and JWT lesson was to go over Mortensen provided code for backend. This has been refactored again in, the idea is this is a starting basis for everyones CPT project. Utilize anatomy to become intimate with it function and purpose.

++ Review schedule, LOOK AHEAD. ++ FRQ Test for Feb 26th is assigned here.

M - Teacher overview of cpt github repo; start checkpoint #b live reviews to qualify your project.

Tu - Student Lesson - SASS / JavaScript Login

W - Student Lesson - API methods

Th - Student Lesson - JWT roles

F - work day

M - Pro Grow

Tu - live quiz of coding/feature,