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Sprint 2 Blog

Assignment Points Grade Evidence
Pull Request (Integration) 2 1.8 Original Pull Request & Edited Pull Request
Relevancy Checklist (Peer) 2 (80/90)*2 =1.778 Tarun’s Peer Review
Lesson (Group) 1 0.93 image Team Teach

Our score was a 0.93 because we covered the whole of Unit 6 in a very unique way by dividing the team teach into 3 stations. This allowed us to teach our unit with a better student-to-teacher ratio. Because of this, Mr. Mortenson recognized this unique approach and gave us a 0.93.
Homework, Popcorn Hacks 1 x 8 (0.9+0.9+0.92+0.9+0.93+0.91+0.91+0.9)=7.27 Foundations

This project highlights my understanding and knowledge from the homework and popcorn hacks
Individual Contribution 1 0.93 Commits on my part of lesson
Personal Notebooks / Blogs 1 0.93 image
Total 15 (1.8+1.778+0.93+7.27+0.93+0.93)=13.638  

Skill Points Grade Evidence
Work Habits (Analytics) 1 0.9 image
I always am present in class and participate in class discussions. Also, my GitHub analytics display my dedication to investing time and effort into my learning in CSA, with numerous commits and pull requests for the team teaches.
Team Planning (Issue) 1 0.9 Planning and Review
Presentation Memories 1 0.93 Had a great time working with my team and created a lot of memories. From this experience in a team setting, I have grown my leadership skills and my ability to work on a collaborative level with others to achieve shared goals. This opportunity has also taught me the importance of effective communication and adaptability in dynamic environments. 050CAEF0-BD17-4552-8EC7-F2217028D168
Grading and Feedback 1 0.87 Grading sheet
Our grading was correct, but our scale was off, altering the scores. This led to a uneven and incorrect scores. This experience taught to pay more attention to this and focuses on the scaling or grading of homework.
Beyond Perfunctory 1 0.93 We implemented a distinctive and innovative teaching approach by setting up multiple stations, each dedicated to different topics or activities. This method allowed us to break the larger class into smaller, more manageable groups, making it easier to provide personalized attention and cater to individual learning needs. By rotating students through the stations, we were able to create an interactive learning environment that promoted engagement, encouraged hands-on learning, and made complex concepts easier to grasp. This structure not only enhanced student understanding but also improved the overall teaching efficiency.
Total 5 4.53/5=0.906  

Sprint 2 Hack

The Student Management System project is a demonstration of various key concepts from the AP Computer Science A curriculum. This interactive system allows users to add, search, delete, and display student records, as well as calculate the average GPA of the students. It showcases how primitive data types, object-oriented programming, and data structures like ArrayLists are used in real-world applications. By including conditional statements, loops, and recursion, the project not only highlights understanding of basic control structures but also demonstrates problem-solving through algorithms and managing data efficiently. This project effectively integrates all ten units of CSA, displaying a comprehensive grasp of Java programming.

import java.util.ArrayList;  // Unit 7 (ArrayList): Importing ArrayList for dynamic list storage
import java.util.Scanner;    // Unit 2 (Using Objects): Importing Scanner class for user input

class Student {
    // Unit 1 (Primitive Types): Using primitive types for student attributes
    private String name;  // Unit 2 (Using Objects): Using String class for name
    private int studentID;  // Unit 1 (Primitive Types): int for ID
    private double gpa;  // Unit 1 (Primitive Types): double for GPA

    // Unit 5 (Writing Classes): Constructor for Student class
    public Student(String name, int studentID, double gpa) { = name;
        this.studentID = studentID;
        this.gpa = gpa;

    // Unit 5 (Writing Classes): Getters for Student attributes
    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public int getStudentID() {
        return studentID;

    public double getGpa() {
        return gpa;

    // Unit 2 (Using Objects) & Unit 5 (Writing Classes): Overriding toString to display student info
    public String toString() {
        return "Student Name: " + name + ", ID: " + studentID + ", GPA: " + gpa;

public class StudentManagementSystem {
    private ArrayList<Student> students;  // Unit 7 (ArrayList): Using an ArrayList to store student records

    public StudentManagementSystem() {
        this.students = new ArrayList<>();  // Unit 7 (ArrayList): Initializing the ArrayList

    // Unit 5 (Writing Classes): Method to add a new Student object to the system
    public void addStudent(String name, int studentID, double gpa) {
        // Unit 5 (Writing Classes): Creating a new instance of the Student class
        Student newStudent = new Student(name, studentID, gpa);
        // Unit 7 (ArrayList): Adding a student object to the ArrayList

    // Unit 4 (Iteration): Using a loop to iterate through all students and display their details
    public void displayStudents() {
        for (Student student : students) {  // Unit 4 (Iteration): Looping through students

    // Unit 3 (Boolean Expressions & if Statements): Searching for a student by ID
    public Student searchStudentByID(int studentID) {
        // Unit 4 (Iteration): Looping through the students to find the matching ID
        for (Student student : students) {
            if (student.getStudentID() == studentID) {  // Unit 3 (Boolean Expressions): Checking if IDs match
                return student;  // If the student is found, return the student object
        return null;  // Unit 3 (Boolean Expressions): Return null if the student is not found

    // Unit 4 (Iteration) & Unit 3 (Boolean Expressions): Using removeIf to delete a student by ID
    public void deleteStudent(int studentID) {
        // Unit 4 (Iteration): Iterating over students and removing the one with matching ID
        students.removeIf(student -> student.getStudentID() == studentID);  // Unit 3 (Boolean Expressions): Condition to remove student

    // Unit 10 (Recursion): Recursively calculating the average GPA of all students
    public double calculateAverageGPA(int index) {
        // Unit 10 (Recursion): Base case: If we've reached the end of the list, return 0
        if (index == students.size()) return 0;
        // Unit 10 (Recursion): Recursive case: Add the current student's GPA and move to the next index
        return students.get(index).getGpa() / students.size() + calculateAverageGPA(index + 1);

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Unit 2 (Using Objects): Creating an instance of the StudentManagementSystem class
        StudentManagementSystem system = new StudentManagementSystem();
        // Unit 2 (Using Objects): Using Scanner for input
        Scanner input = new Scanner(;

        boolean exit = false;  // Unit 3 (Boolean Expressions): Boolean flag for the exit condition
        while (!exit) {  // Unit 4 (Iteration): Loop to keep the menu active until the user decides to exit
            // Displaying menu options
            System.out.println("\n--- Menu ---");
            System.out.println("1. Add Students");
            System.out.println("2. Display All Students");
            System.out.println("3. Search Student by ID");
            System.out.println("4. Delete Student by ID");
            System.out.println("5. Calculate Average GPA");
            System.out.println("6. Exit");
            System.out.print("Choose an option: ");
            int choice = input.nextInt();
            input.nextLine();  // Consume the newline character

            if (choice == 1) {
                // Adding students
                System.out.print("How many students would you like to add? ");  // Unit 3 (Boolean Expressions): Asking for input
                int numStudents = input.nextInt();
                input.nextLine();  // Consume the newline

                for (int i = 0; i < numStudents; i++) {  // Unit 4 (Iteration): Loop to add multiple students
                    System.out.println("Enter details for student " + (i + 1) + ":");
                    System.out.print("Name: ");
                    String name = input.nextLine();

                    System.out.print("Student ID: ");
                    int studentID = input.nextInt();

                    System.out.print("GPA: ");  // Unit 1 (Primitive Types): Asking for a double value
                    double gpa = input.nextDouble();
                    input.nextLine();  // Consume the newline character

                    system.addStudent(name, studentID, gpa);  // Unit 5 (Writing Classes): Adding student to the system
            } else if (choice == 2) {
                // Displaying all students
                System.out.println("\nAll students:");  // Unit 4 (Iteration): Displaying student records
            } else if (choice == 3) {
                // Searching for a student by ID
                System.out.print("Enter Student ID to search: ");  // Unit 3 (Boolean Expressions): Prompt for input
                int searchID = input.nextInt();
                Student foundStudent = system.searchStudentByID(searchID);  // Unit 3 (Boolean Expressions): Search for the student
                if (foundStudent != null) {
                    System.out.println("Student found: " + foundStudent);  // Unit 3 (Boolean Expressions): If found, display info
                } else {
                    System.out.println("Student with ID " + searchID + " not found.");  // Unit 3 (Boolean Expressions): If not found
            } else if (choice == 4) {
                // Deleting a student by ID
                System.out.print("Enter Student ID to delete: ");  // Unit 3 (Boolean Expressions): Prompt for ID
                int deleteID = input.nextInt();
                system.deleteStudent(deleteID);  // Unit 4 (Iteration): Deleting the student
                System.out.println("Student with ID " + deleteID + " has been deleted.");
            } else if (choice == 5) {
                // Calculating average GPA
                System.out.println("Average GPA: " + system.calculateAverageGPA(0));  // Unit 10 (Recursion): Displaying average GPA
            } else if (choice == 6) {
                // Exiting the program
                exit = true;  // Unit 3 (Boolean Expressions): Setting exit condition to true
                System.out.println("Exiting the program. Goodbye!");
            } else {
                // Invalid input
                System.out.println("Invalid choice. Please try again.");  // Unit 3 (Boolean Expressions): Handling invalid input

        input.close();  // Unit 2 (Using Objects): Closing the scanner
--- Menu ---
1. Add Students
2. Display All Students
3. Search Student by ID
4. Delete Student by ID
5. Calculate Average GPA
6. Exit
Choose an option: 
How many students would you like to add? 
Enter details for student 1:
Name: Student ID: GPA: 
Enter details for student 2:
Name: Student ID: GPA: 

--- Menu ---
1. Add Students
2. Display All Students
3. Search Student by ID
4. Delete Student by ID
5. Calculate Average GPA
6. Exit
Choose an option: 

All students:
Student Name: Nitin Balaji, ID: 1907892, GPA: 4.0
Student Name: Srinivas Nampalli, ID: 1945873, GPA: 3.75

--- Menu ---
1. Add Students
2. Display All Students
3. Search Student by ID
4. Delete Student by ID
5. Calculate Average GPA
6. Exit
Choose an option: 
Average GPA: 3.875

--- Menu ---
1. Add Students
2. Display All Students
3. Search Student by ID
4. Delete Student by ID
5. Calculate Average GPA
6. Exit
Choose an option: 
Enter Student ID to search: 
Student found: Student Name: Nitin Balaji, ID: 1907892, GPA: 4.0

--- Menu ---
1. Add Students
2. Display All Students
3. Search Student by ID
4. Delete Student by ID
5. Calculate Average GPA
6. Exit
Choose an option: 
Enter Student ID to delete: Student with ID 1907892 has been deleted.

--- Menu ---
1. Add Students
2. Display All Students
3. Search Student by ID
4. Delete Student by ID
5. Calculate Average GPA
6. Exit
Choose an option: 

All students:
Student Name: Srinivas Nampalli, ID: 1945873, GPA: 3.75

--- Menu ---
1. Add Students
2. Display All Students
3. Search Student by ID
4. Delete Student by ID
5. Calculate Average GPA
6. Exit
Choose an option: 
How many students would you like to add? 
Enter details for student 1:
Name: Student ID: GPA: 

--- Menu ---
1. Add Students
2. Display All Students
3. Search Student by ID
4. Delete Student by ID
5. Calculate Average GPA
6. Exit
Choose an option: 
Average GPA: 3.875

--- Menu ---
1. Add Students
2. Display All Students
3. Search Student by ID
4. Delete Student by ID
5. Calculate Average GPA
6. Exit
Choose an option: 
Exiting the program. Goodbye!

Unit 1: Primitive Types

  • Attributes of the Student class:
    • int for studentID
    • double for gpa
    • These data types are basic building blocks in Java, representing integer and floating-point numbers.

Unit 2: Using Objects

  • String for the name attribute:
    • String is a class that represents textual data.
  • Using Scanner:
    • A Scanner object is used for user input.
  • Creating Objects:
    • StudentManagementSystem and Student objects are instantiated to manage and store student data.

Unit 3: Boolean Expressions and if Statements

  • Searching and Deleting Students by ID:
    • Uses if statements to check if a student’s studentID matches the input, and to verify valid choices in the menu.
    • Boolean expressions evaluate equality in conditions like student.getStudentID() == studentID.

Unit 4: Iteration

  • Displaying, Searching, and Deleting Students:
    • for-each loop is used to iterate through the ArrayList of students.
    • The removeIf() method, combined with a lambda expression, iterates over the list to remove a student.
    • Iteration also occurs in the menu to continuously prompt the user for input until they choose to exit.

Unit 5: Writing Classes

  • Student Class:
    • Contains attributes (name, studentID, gpa), a constructor, and methods like getName(), getStudentID(), and getGpa().
    • This encapsulation allows you to work with student data in a well-organized way.
  • Overriding toString():
    • The toString() method in Student is overridden to provide a readable string representation of a student’s information.

Unit 7: ArrayList

  • Storing Student Objects:
    • An ArrayList<Student> is used to dynamically store and manage the list of students, providing flexibility in terms of adding, searching, and removing students.

Unit 10: Recursion

  • Calculating Average GPA:
    • A recursive method, calculateAverageGPA(int index), computes the average GPA by adding the GPA of each student and dividing by the total number of students.
    • This demonstrates the use of recursion to break down a complex problem into simpler, smaller steps.

CSA Unit 1-10 Study Guide

Unit 1: Primitive Types

Link to hacks: Unit 1 Hacks

  • Key Concepts:
    • Variables: Containers that store data values.
    • Primitive Data Types: int (whole numbers), double (decimals), boolean (true/false), char (single characters).
    • Arithmetic Operators: +, -, *, /, % for basic calculations.
    • Casting: Converting one data type to another, like converting a double to an int.

Real-life Example: In a banking system, primitive types can store account balances and interest rates:

double accountBalance = 1050.75;
int transactions = 5;
boolean isActive = true;

Unit 2: Using Objects

Link to hacks: Unit 2 Hacks

  • Key Concepts:
    • Classes and Objects: A class is a blueprint for creating objects. Objects are instances of classes.
    • Methods: Blocks of code that perform actions. Methods belong to objects or classes.
    • Constructors: Special methods used to initialize objects when they are created.
    • String Class: A pre-defined Java class used to work with sequences of characters.
    • Scanner Class: Used for user input from the console.

Real-life Example: In an online form, objects of the String class store user-provided names and email addresses, and the Scanner class collects that input:

Scanner input = new Scanner(;
System.out.print("Enter your name: ");
String name = input.nextLine();

Unit 3: Boolean Expressions and if Statements

Link to hacks: Unit 3 Hacks

  • Key Concepts:
    • Boolean Expressions: Expressions that evaluate to either true or false, using relational (==, !=, >, <, etc.) and logical (&&, ||, !) operators.
    • if-else Statements: Control flow based on conditions. If a condition is true, a block of code is executed; otherwise, another block can be executed.
    • else if: Provides additional conditions to check if the first one is false.

Real-life Example: A website checks if a user is logged in or not before granting access to restricted content:

boolean isLoggedIn = true;
if (isLoggedIn) {
    System.out.println("Access granted");
} else {
    System.out.println("Please log in.");

Unit 4: Iteration

Link to hacks: Unit 4 Hacks

  • Key Concepts:
    • for Loop: A loop that repeats a block of code a specific number of times.
    • while Loop: A loop that repeats a block of code as long as a condition is true.
    • do-while Loop: Similar to while loop but guarantees the code runs at least once.
    • Enhanced for Loop: Also known as a for-each loop, used to iterate over arrays or collections.

Real-life Example: Looping through a list of email addresses to send out a newsletter:

String[] emails = {"", "", ""};
for (String email : emails) {
    System.out.println("Sending newsletter to " + email);

Unit 5: Writing Classes

Link to hacks: Unit 5 Hacks

  • Key Concepts:
    • Class Definitions: Defining a new class with attributes (variables) and methods (functions) that belong to that class.
    • Instance Variables: Attributes that belong to an object (i.e., the state of the object).
    • Methods: Functions that define behavior for objects, such as getters/setters.
    • Constructors: Special methods used to create new objects and initialize their attributes.
    • Encapsulation: Using private to hide an object’s internal data and using public methods to provide controlled access.

Real-life Example: A Book class in a library system:

class Book {
    private String title;
    private String author;
    // Constructor
    public Book(String title, String author) {
        this.title = title; = author;
    // Method to display book details
    public void displayDetails() {
        System.out.println("Title: " + title + ", Author: " + author);

Unit 6: Array

Link to hacks: Unit 6 Hacks

  • Key Concepts:
    • Array Declaration and Initialization: Arrays store a fixed number of elements of the same type.
    • Accessing Elements: Use an index to retrieve or modify elements.
    • Traversing Arrays: Using loops to iterate through array elements.
    • 2D Arrays: Arrays of arrays, used for grid-like structures.

Real-life Example: Storing temperatures for a week:

double[] weeklyTemps = {72.3, 73.5, 75.2, 71.8, 68.9, 70.4, 69.5};
for (int i = 0; i < weeklyTemps.length; i++) {
    System.out.println("Day " + (i + 1) + ": " + weeklyTemps[i] + "°F");

Unit 7: ArrayList

Link to hacks: Unit 7 Hacks

  • Key Concepts:
    • ArrayList Declaration: A flexible, dynamic list that can grow or shrink.
    • Adding and Removing Elements: Add elements to an ArrayList without worrying about size limitations.
    • Iteration over ArrayLists: Use loops to access elements in an ArrayList.
    • ArrayList Methods: Methods like .add(), .remove(), .size(), .get(), and .contains().

Real-life Example: Managing a dynamic list of customer names in a store’s rewards program:

import java.util.ArrayList;

ArrayList<String> customers = new ArrayList<>();
System.out.println(customers.size());  // Outputs: 1

Unit 8: 2D Array

Link to hacks: Unit 8 Hacks

  • Key Concepts:
    • 2D Array Declaration: Arrays with rows and columns, like a table or grid.
    • Accessing Elements: Use two indices, one for the row and one for the column.
    • Traversing 2D Arrays: Using nested loops to process each element.

Real-life Example: Creating a seating chart in a classroom:

String[][] seatingChart = {
    {"Alice", "Bob", "Charlie"},
    {"David", "Eve", "Frank"}
System.out.println("Student at position (0,1): " + seatingChart[0][1]);  // Outputs: Bob

Unit 9: Inheritance

Link to hacks: Unit 9 Hacks

  • Key Concepts:
    • Inheritance: Allows one class (subclass) to inherit attributes and methods from another class (superclass).
    • Superclass and Subclass: The superclass provides the basic structure, while the subclass extends or modifies it.
    • Method Overriding: A subclass can provide a specific implementation of a method defined in its superclass.
    • Polymorphism: The ability of objects to take on many forms, typically referring to a superclass reference pointing to a subclass object.

Real-life Example: A Car superclass and a SportsCar subclass:

class Car {
    String make;
    String model;
    public void start() {
        System.out.println("Car started.");

class SportsCar extends Car {
    boolean turboCharged;
    public void start() {
        System.out.println("Sports car started with turbo mode!");

Unit 10: Recursion

  • Key Concepts:
    • Recursion: A method calls itself to solve smaller instances of a problem.
    • Base Case: The condition under which the recursion stops.
    • Recursive Case: The part of the method where it calls itself to continue solving the problem.
    • Stack Overflow: If recursion is too deep without a proper base case, the system runs out of memory.

Real-life Example: Finding the factorial of a number (used in probability and statistics):

public int factorial(int n) {
    if (n == 1) return 1;  // Base case
    return n * factorial(n - 1);  // Recursive case